For modal building with carton You need a sharp knife, a brush, a ruler, glue and a substratum. We recommend acetone to clean the glue residuum.
It's better to cut the parts out of the plans with the help of a steel ruler. Put the ruler on the building parts, not on the frame, so You will prevent a damage of the parts, if You slip off with the knife. At thickly build platters it's better to cut several times, that makes a straight bordering. Use a substratum
( a class top or a rubber plate ).
Put the glue on the bordering of the parts. First You must glue the stage without the rafters. The rafters should not be glued not before the installation of the windows. Now glue the skin, made out of photo carton, on the stage. The side panels should have a distance 0,4 mm on every side to get an elopement at the Foreground and Background. Now paste onto the windows into the doors. After the installation of the window foils You can paste the rafters onto the stage.
Now the housetop can be pasted. (At the assembly kits ´Sandkrug´ and ´Am Sande 28´ happen the build with the help of the installation instructions). Consolidate the bordering with superglue.
Colourful handling:
The assembly kits with the colourful flyleaves, made out of photo carton, needn't to have a colourful after treatment. Nonetheless You can rarefy the masonry with crayons. For the ageing of the assembly kits pigments of colour are also recommended.
We wish You a lot of fun with Your MKB-Models.
When You have criticism or praise contact us so that we can offer You the most modern assembly kits anytime.